13 August 2009

Blah Blah Blah..........

The beginning of the school year is always such a freaking nightmare. There is so much to do - so many meetings to go to - so many trainings to go to - classrooms to set up - schedules to create - and 4 days to do it all. Unreal.
I know I will be in there this weekend to do work, and that bums me out, LOL.
The kids start on Tuesday - I cannot believe it's already here. I am really excited about some aspects of this year, while dreading others.

On the weight loss story - I've been doing good! Or at least I think I have :-)
I have been eating so healthily and carefully and I have been walking on the treadmill and/or walking Luna in the evenings - I have lost 7 lbs so far! I was told these lbs are the easiest to lose, as they are just water/alcohol weight & that kind of rained on my parade because I thought I was actually doing a good job - I am keeping up with this until I am down to my goal & fit in my pants again!! Too bad that didn't happen sooner, because not a single pair of my work pants fit me & won't for awhile - so I am going to be rockin some dresses here!

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