12 June 2009

Maybe I should start this again

I always forget I have a blog, and therefore always forget to update it. Someone reminded me about it just the other day, so here I am...........updating
Someone needs to remind me again after this

So much has happened lately - first off, I am almost totally DONE with my Masters!!! I am done in just about 3 weeks......I am so ecstatic about it, I don't even know what to say.
This is the first time I've ever taken school seriously in my life - and I cannot believe that I am almost done and have receieved an (A) or an (A-) in every class - I have a 3.93 GPA! That's something I am really proud of myself for.....HOWEVER - I will not be sad in a couple of weeks to say goodbye to UoP for awhile

The reason I say for awhile is because now that I am almost done, I am thinking about following up with a doctoral program! What do you think? Do I want to do more school and become "Dr. Critelli"? Haha, I think I will think on it for awhile

Anyway, I finish class soon and then Jamie and I leave for Puerta Vallarta, Mexico just 2 days after that! I am super excited to go spend a girlie vacation, laying in the sun, drinking some drinks, and reading on the beach all day! So excited for this week and so happy to have the time to spend with Jamie!!

At work, things are diff - Tammy left, and I am so torn about this - I've been with her since 2001 when I moved down here (she hired me out of college!) but she got an amazing promotion and I am happy for her. Cindy got a specialist job at the district and Spoon Baby got a director position. So that's 3 administrators leaving right now. New principal coming in with her AP. Shall be an interesting time, everyone getting accustomed to working on the same team. I hope it is all good.

Free time hasn't been much as of late. Weekends when it's sunny, me & Luna go down to Vida's and hang with her family & dog at the pool. I really enjoy doing this because - (1) Luna has so much fun with Stella, (2) I get BFF girl talk with Vida, and (3) I really like the rest of her family! It's so fun to eat pizza bites with her kids & chill. I like being around them.

Other than that, Mexican with Schwarz every week or so and that's about it. Haven't been out-out in ages. I really need to get going on that, LOL.
Up to season 6 in 24, it's really good but this season is slowest to me so far - which is odd because most people said it is the best one
I've been watching more of my Netflix movies so I can send them right back & get something new
Oh! I took the damn FELE again last week. I should find out next Fri if I passed any of the 3 sections or if I have to retake all of it
I hate this test. I dont know if I will ever pass it. But I need to get into PNP this fall - no possibility of not doing that. I have to.
I also got another new tattoo - I am up to a number now...and I have Mel working on my next one already. I am a freaking addict.

And if you know me, you will totally understand this entire post. HAHAHA


Anonymous said...

Yayay!! I'm excited we get to hang out :)

mac said...

Me too - I cannot wait!