Things have been going so good lately - I finally got over my mystery 2 week long illness & work is so good!
I love my job - I love working with these kids. I cannot ever imagine having a group of kids like the current 11th graders. I've been working with them on some level since they were in 6th grade, and they are THE most amazing kids ever.
It hit me on Saturday, and it was an emotional moment - thinking about possible having an opportunity to move forward with my career & go elsewhere, and I decided that I don't think I can do it!! I really feel like I need to stick with this group of 11th graders until they graduate - I feel like I'd be missing out on a huge milestone in my life, my career, and their lives if I stayed this long & didn't see it through.
It was so cute on Friday when they asked me if we could set up a website with webcams for when they go to college so they can still talk to me all of the time & I can see what they're doing at college. I loved that. And I love that they say "when" they go to college. They're going!!!!!!
07 September 2009
13 August 2009
Blah Blah Blah..........
The beginning of the school year is always such a freaking nightmare. There is so much to do - so many meetings to go to - so many trainings to go to - classrooms to set up - schedules to create - and 4 days to do it all. Unreal.
I know I will be in there this weekend to do work, and that bums me out, LOL.
The kids start on Tuesday - I cannot believe it's already here. I am really excited about some aspects of this year, while dreading others.
On the weight loss story - I've been doing good! Or at least I think I have :-)
I have been eating so healthily and carefully and I have been walking on the treadmill and/or walking Luna in the evenings - I have lost 7 lbs so far! I was told these lbs are the easiest to lose, as they are just water/alcohol weight & that kind of rained on my parade because I thought I was actually doing a good job - I am keeping up with this until I am down to my goal & fit in my pants again!! Too bad that didn't happen sooner, because not a single pair of my work pants fit me & won't for awhile - so I am going to be rockin some dresses here!
I know I will be in there this weekend to do work, and that bums me out, LOL.
The kids start on Tuesday - I cannot believe it's already here. I am really excited about some aspects of this year, while dreading others.
On the weight loss story - I've been doing good! Or at least I think I have :-)
I have been eating so healthily and carefully and I have been walking on the treadmill and/or walking Luna in the evenings - I have lost 7 lbs so far! I was told these lbs are the easiest to lose, as they are just water/alcohol weight & that kind of rained on my parade because I thought I was actually doing a good job - I am keeping up with this until I am down to my goal & fit in my pants again!! Too bad that didn't happen sooner, because not a single pair of my work pants fit me & won't for awhile - so I am going to be rockin some dresses here!
05 August 2009
Weight Loss!!
Okkkkkkk, so I've been saying I need to lose weight for months - it became more & more apparent as my pants fit less & less - ugh!
I went to the Dr for my annual check up yesterday, and she confirmed how much I've gained & how much I need to lose - or SHOULD lose, it's not mandatory or anything, lol
I expressed to her that I am pissed about it, so she prescribed me an appetite suppresant & also gave me a nice list of what to eat, what not to eat - and it sucks - I am not good with this
I am going to be walking daily - on the treadmill definitely & this morning I took Luna for a pretty long walk at 6am since I couldnt sleep at all.
I'm on a mission! Wish me luck!
I went to the Dr for my annual check up yesterday, and she confirmed how much I've gained & how much I need to lose - or SHOULD lose, it's not mandatory or anything, lol
I expressed to her that I am pissed about it, so she prescribed me an appetite suppresant & also gave me a nice list of what to eat, what not to eat - and it sucks - I am not good with this
I am going to be walking daily - on the treadmill definitely & this morning I took Luna for a pretty long walk at 6am since I couldnt sleep at all.
I'm on a mission! Wish me luck!
31 July 2009
What to do, What to do?!
Ok - so the month of July has been a ton of fun for me - trip to Mexico, friends came here to visit, trip to Atlanta, trip to Orlando --- however, when I am home........with this newly found free time........WHAT TO DO?????
It's so freaking hot outside, there's no way I can deal with that
I've gained so much weight & have the treadmill right here in my living room, but would rather sit on the couch - it's pathetic.
I've been going into work on a pretty consistent basis, but I want t hese last 2 weeks of summer to be, well, summer! I want to relax, I want to chill, I want to get tan!
I want to have fun - I don't want to sit inside with nothing to do - I dont want to eat & eat & eat. I want to get in shape. Gah. I need someone to motivate me. It's ridiculous.
Someone help me. . .
Oh, I saw The Hangover again - I don't know why I find this movie to be absolutely hilarious - I laugh & laugh at it!!
It's so freaking hot outside, there's no way I can deal with that
I've gained so much weight & have the treadmill right here in my living room, but would rather sit on the couch - it's pathetic.
I've been going into work on a pretty consistent basis, but I want t hese last 2 weeks of summer to be, well, summer! I want to relax, I want to chill, I want to get tan!
I want to have fun - I don't want to sit inside with nothing to do - I dont want to eat & eat & eat. I want to get in shape. Gah. I need someone to motivate me. It's ridiculous.
Someone help me. . .
Oh, I saw The Hangover again - I don't know why I find this movie to be absolutely hilarious - I laugh & laugh at it!!
14 July 2009
Headed to the A!!!!
I am going to Atlanta this weekend; Thu-Sun
I am trying to find something to do every weekend between now & when school starts again because I dont even feel like sitting around here anymore...........any ideas for me?
And on another high note..............HARRY POTTER comes out tomorrow!!!
I shall be there at 11am, can't wait!!!!
I am trying to find something to do every weekend between now & when school starts again because I dont even feel like sitting around here anymore...........any ideas for me?
And on another high note..............HARRY POTTER comes out tomorrow!!!
I shall be there at 11am, can't wait!!!!
08 July 2009
Back from Mexico!!
Oh god, our hotel (Riu Vallarta) was absolutely gorgeous - I've never seen anything like it!
We had a week of gorgeous weather in which we did NOTHING but lay out, read, and drink! We of course ate a ton (all inclusive buffets!) and we watched a few of the shows at night. They were good - the trip was good. It was so nice & relaxing, just what I needed after everything being so crazy for the past few months. It was pure heaven & I was so sad to come back home!

28 June 2009
Ok --- here I go --- about to hit submit on my absolute FINAL assignment for my Master's Degree!!!
27 June 2009
Amazing Person
Betsy Bozhilov..........I hope you don't mind me putting your name out there like this :-)
You are truly the most amazing person I know. I am extremely lucky to know someone like you - you have strength and positive energy that I could only dream of having.
Betsy found out she had a tumor wrapped around her spine & she had to have an 8 hour surgery to remove the tumor. Since it was a spinal surgery, it was huge.
She can no longer walk but she does have feeling in her legs.
She cannot get to the bathroom on her own, she cannot sit up for long periods of time - BUT she has the best most upbeat attitude I've ever heard.
She was laughing non-stop (and I swear it has nothing to do with the pain pills, LOL), she was telling me stories, she was talking about how blessed she is, how happy she is, how she knows she is strong enough to overcome this obstacle.
It was such a humbling conversation for me & it made me cry - because it the opposite of how I would be. I would be miserable & throwing a pity party for myself.
Not Betsy, she wanted this to happen to her rather than a friend or family member - or even a student. She knew she could handle something this big and she knows she is going to come out of it perfectly fine.
She is amazing, and she is my friend.
You are truly the most amazing person I know. I am extremely lucky to know someone like you - you have strength and positive energy that I could only dream of having.
Betsy found out she had a tumor wrapped around her spine & she had to have an 8 hour surgery to remove the tumor. Since it was a spinal surgery, it was huge.
She can no longer walk but she does have feeling in her legs.
She cannot get to the bathroom on her own, she cannot sit up for long periods of time - BUT she has the best most upbeat attitude I've ever heard.
She was laughing non-stop (and I swear it has nothing to do with the pain pills, LOL), she was telling me stories, she was talking about how blessed she is, how happy she is, how she knows she is strong enough to overcome this obstacle.
It was such a humbling conversation for me & it made me cry - because it the opposite of how I would be. I would be miserable & throwing a pity party for myself.
Not Betsy, she wanted this to happen to her rather than a friend or family member - or even a student. She knew she could handle something this big and she knows she is going to come out of it perfectly fine.
She is amazing, and she is my friend.
end of June..........
Yea!!! Got my FELE scores back yesterday - I passed 2/3 of the sessions - so I only have to retake the 1 that I did not pass. Sooooooooo much better than having to do all of them again!!!
I cannot believe that I really finish grad school on Monday. I am so excited to be done with it - no more! I have a 3.92 GPA right now, hopefully that won't budget at all, I want to keep that!
Leave for Mexico on Wednesday and also cannot wait for that, need some serious relaxation!
I cannot believe that I really finish grad school on Monday. I am so excited to be done with it - no more! I have a 3.92 GPA right now, hopefully that won't budget at all, I want to keep that!
Leave for Mexico on Wednesday and also cannot wait for that, need some serious relaxation!
21 June 2009
So much coming up - I am so excited guys!!!
5 days until I find out if I passed any of the FELE
8 days until I am DONE with my masters
9 days until Jamie gets here
10 days until we go to Puerta Vallarta - whoohoooooo!!
And then after I get back from PV, my friend Chawanis from college is coming to visit - I haven't seen her since my wedding in 03, and I cannot wait!!
This summer is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 days until I find out if I passed any of the FELE
8 days until I am DONE with my masters
9 days until Jamie gets here
10 days until we go to Puerta Vallarta - whoohoooooo!!
And then after I get back from PV, my friend Chawanis from college is coming to visit - I haven't seen her since my wedding in 03, and I cannot wait!!
This summer is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16 June 2009
Working during the summer is totally wearing me out this summer. I guess it's the combo of the work + the class + not really having a break in ages. I was so tired today, I felt like I could put my head down & just pass out on my desk. It was bad, lol.
I cannot wait to be done, 2 weeks from yesterday I will be DONE! 2 weeks from tomorrow we will be in Mexico!! Soooooooooo excited to have this break & celebration all in one!!
I cannot wait to be done, 2 weeks from yesterday I will be DONE! 2 weeks from tomorrow we will be in Mexico!! Soooooooooo excited to have this break & celebration all in one!!
13 June 2009
Thunder, Lightning, and RAIN
The worst part of living in South Florida, aside from the ridiculous heat & humidity, is the RAINY season. I hate it.
It happens at the same time everyday...and it sucks
I went to the pool today - set up my ipod, had my kindle, my beer - great day
Then it started thundering..........then it started raining............UGH. I hate it.
How many more months of this shit???
It happens at the same time everyday...and it sucks
I went to the pool today - set up my ipod, had my kindle, my beer - great day
Then it started thundering..........then it started raining............UGH. I hate it.
How many more months of this shit???
12 June 2009
Maybe I should start this again
I always forget I have a blog, and therefore always forget to update it. Someone reminded me about it just the other day, so here I am...........updating
Someone needs to remind me again after this
So much has happened lately - first off, I am almost totally DONE with my Masters!!! I am done in just about 3 weeks......I am so ecstatic about it, I don't even know what to say.
This is the first time I've ever taken school seriously in my life - and I cannot believe that I am almost done and have receieved an (A) or an (A-) in every class - I have a 3.93 GPA! That's something I am really proud of myself for.....HOWEVER - I will not be sad in a couple of weeks to say goodbye to UoP for awhile
The reason I say for awhile is because now that I am almost done, I am thinking about following up with a doctoral program! What do you think? Do I want to do more school and become "Dr. Critelli"? Haha, I think I will think on it for awhile
Anyway, I finish class soon and then Jamie and I leave for Puerta Vallarta, Mexico just 2 days after that! I am super excited to go spend a girlie vacation, laying in the sun, drinking some drinks, and reading on the beach all day! So excited for this week and so happy to have the time to spend with Jamie!!
At work, things are diff - Tammy left, and I am so torn about this - I've been with her since 2001 when I moved down here (she hired me out of college!) but she got an amazing promotion and I am happy for her. Cindy got a specialist job at the district and Spoon Baby got a director position. So that's 3 administrators leaving right now. New principal coming in with her AP. Shall be an interesting time, everyone getting accustomed to working on the same team. I hope it is all good.
Free time hasn't been much as of late. Weekends when it's sunny, me & Luna go down to Vida's and hang with her family & dog at the pool. I really enjoy doing this because - (1) Luna has so much fun with Stella, (2) I get BFF girl talk with Vida, and (3) I really like the rest of her family! It's so fun to eat pizza bites with her kids & chill. I like being around them.
Other than that, Mexican with Schwarz every week or so and that's about it. Haven't been out-out in ages. I really need to get going on that, LOL.
Up to season 6 in 24, it's really good but this season is slowest to me so far - which is odd because most people said it is the best one
I've been watching more of my Netflix movies so I can send them right back & get something new
Oh! I took the damn FELE again last week. I should find out next Fri if I passed any of the 3 sections or if I have to retake all of it
I hate this test. I dont know if I will ever pass it. But I need to get into PNP this fall - no possibility of not doing that. I have to.
I also got another new tattoo - I am up to a number now...and I have Mel working on my next one already. I am a freaking addict.
And if you know me, you will totally understand this entire post. HAHAHA
Someone needs to remind me again after this
So much has happened lately - first off, I am almost totally DONE with my Masters!!! I am done in just about 3 weeks......I am so ecstatic about it, I don't even know what to say.
This is the first time I've ever taken school seriously in my life - and I cannot believe that I am almost done and have receieved an (A) or an (A-) in every class - I have a 3.93 GPA! That's something I am really proud of myself for.....HOWEVER - I will not be sad in a couple of weeks to say goodbye to UoP for awhile
The reason I say for awhile is because now that I am almost done, I am thinking about following up with a doctoral program! What do you think? Do I want to do more school and become "Dr. Critelli"? Haha, I think I will think on it for awhile
Anyway, I finish class soon and then Jamie and I leave for Puerta Vallarta, Mexico just 2 days after that! I am super excited to go spend a girlie vacation, laying in the sun, drinking some drinks, and reading on the beach all day! So excited for this week and so happy to have the time to spend with Jamie!!
At work, things are diff - Tammy left, and I am so torn about this - I've been with her since 2001 when I moved down here (she hired me out of college!) but she got an amazing promotion and I am happy for her. Cindy got a specialist job at the district and Spoon Baby got a director position. So that's 3 administrators leaving right now. New principal coming in with her AP. Shall be an interesting time, everyone getting accustomed to working on the same team. I hope it is all good.
Free time hasn't been much as of late. Weekends when it's sunny, me & Luna go down to Vida's and hang with her family & dog at the pool. I really enjoy doing this because - (1) Luna has so much fun with Stella, (2) I get BFF girl talk with Vida, and (3) I really like the rest of her family! It's so fun to eat pizza bites with her kids & chill. I like being around them.
Other than that, Mexican with Schwarz every week or so and that's about it. Haven't been out-out in ages. I really need to get going on that, LOL.
Up to season 6 in 24, it's really good but this season is slowest to me so far - which is odd because most people said it is the best one
I've been watching more of my Netflix movies so I can send them right back & get something new
Oh! I took the damn FELE again last week. I should find out next Fri if I passed any of the 3 sections or if I have to retake all of it
I hate this test. I dont know if I will ever pass it. But I need to get into PNP this fall - no possibility of not doing that. I have to.
I also got another new tattoo - I am up to a number now...and I have Mel working on my next one already. I am a freaking addict.
And if you know me, you will totally understand this entire post. HAHAHA
19 March 2009
Just when the Caterpillar thought the World was over, it became a Butterfly ~ Proverb
My Principal's birthday was yesterday & she got a coffee mug with this quote on it - she immediately ran to my office & told me that I have to make it my signature for my work email. LOL. I did it, to amuse her, but I am now using it as one of my favorite quotes. I really like it and how I read it.
In other news...............FCAT gets picked up tomorrow morning! Cannot wait to see it taken away forever!! Stupid test has made me a crazy woman for the past two weeks!!
My Principal's birthday was yesterday & she got a coffee mug with this quote on it - she immediately ran to my office & told me that I have to make it my signature for my work email. LOL. I did it, to amuse her, but I am now using it as one of my favorite quotes. I really like it and how I read it.
In other news...............FCAT gets picked up tomorrow morning! Cannot wait to see it taken away forever!! Stupid test has made me a crazy woman for the past two weeks!!
14 February 2009
And then Ted came to visit......
Ted came to visit last weekend and we had a blast, as we usually do when we are together
We ate SO much food and drank quite a bit of beer.
We ended up going bowling which I haven't done in eons, and which I found out I still suck at!
We ate SO much food and drank quite a bit of beer.
We ended up going bowling which I haven't done in eons, and which I found out I still suck at!
11 January 2009
Getting Wasted in front of Co-Workers
I mean, the annual Holiday Party -- and the alcohol that flows there -- who knows what will happen? Well Melissa is 2 years deep in the idiot bowl - this year I had only 3 beers, but then topped that with 9 shots of Patron.
This is what I looked like after that:

I had a rough night after all that and an even rougher next day - and thankfully someone took me to get my car the next afternoon after I could move without being sick.
What a blast - whoohoo
See, this is why we have TWO weeks off from school. So we can act a fool & then not have to see each other for two weeks. Because this Tuesday, on the first day back, one of the teachers came to my office & literally said "holy shit! you survived!"
As if it were really a question............................jeez
This is what I looked like after that:

I had a rough night after all that and an even rougher next day - and thankfully someone took me to get my car the next afternoon after I could move without being sick.
What a blast - whoohoo
See, this is why we have TWO weeks off from school. So we can act a fool & then not have to see each other for two weeks. Because this Tuesday, on the first day back, one of the teachers came to my office & literally said "holy shit! you survived!"
As if it were really a question............................jeez
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