26 June 2008

Orlando was sooooooo amazing - we had a blast. Went to the outlet mall & did some shopping, did a LOT of drinking, and played with our new ipod touch things. Pretty nifty gadgets. I had a blast. oooh and we saw SATC again. Hellooooooooooooooooooo

Now......back to reality & these damn classes. My internship class is cake - and it's over next Monday so this weekend I really have to catch up on my log & upload it to task stream & make sure that's all done

I start my budget class on Tue - ACK!

The Principal class I am in right now is the biggest pain my arse because we do so many assignments each week and apparently they aren't worth SHIT for points!! I got 1.6 points the first week......and that was the maximum you could get! It was participation bullshit. I am so pissed that I am spending so much time doing research and citing references in all of my discussion questions for NO points. UGH - I talked to my academic advisor today & she was even surprised that he was doing that
Also, he sent me a nice reprimand about my signature line "The average DOG is nicer than the average HUMAN" and about how unacceptable that is & how I will never get a job in administration with something like that in my signature line. I started to get hot, but I replied saying it is in my signatuare line at work & I have never had a problem, however thank you so much for pointing it out & I will remove it for the purposes of this class
He replied saying that even though no one has ever said anything about my signature, he could guarantee I pissed alot of people off and that would keep me from moving up and getting a job I wanted. I told him I think the people who have bible verses as their signature line are more out of line than me, however WHATEVER - find something better to do with your fucking time you asshat! Damn, picking on me for something so tiny & unimportant
3 more weeks of the damn shady man

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WTF about your sig? That's insane. I'd be pissed! ITA about the bible verses being more offensive. Ugh, freakin morons.