06 June 2010


Well goodness.......it sure has been awhile................I need to get back into this
So this past Tuesday at work, I found a puppy that was laying in the bushes behind the secondary building....clearly waiting to die. She was extremely skinny - all bones showing - she was scared, thirsty, hungry, and just........sad!
Well I decided to rescue her!! I took her home and Luna loved her, which is crazy! Took her to the vet & found out she has hookworms and she already got the first dose of medicine for that
She's doing really well - and Luna is doing really well with her - not sure if that's b/c she's a puppy or if Luna senses the need for love and recooperation. Either way, its good and we're happy!!!!
School is over and its hard to believe my babies are now seniors! I am so excited for them to start the next year and appy to colleges and become adults! So exciting to me.