20 July 2008

Going to NJ/NY!! Yea!!

I am going to NJ next Sunday for a full week
Going to visit family & do the whole Jersey shore thing - I cant wait
The best part will be going into the city for a day/night and meeting all the super hot VIPers that live up there - I cannot wait to meet everyone!
Fun times shall be had!!

12 July 2008

01 July 2008

Aww Boo

I hate the FELE - this is how I feel after sitting in front of the computer for 4 hours today and getting a "NOT PASS" at the end.
I honestly did not expect to pass, because I have been so busy with classes that I have not had time to study - but it still sucked to spend that much time and not pass at least one of the subtests.
So now I can sign up and pay again to re-take the test in 30 days, and hope to find time to study my ass off so I can pass - the damn thing was SO long -my god
And in the school law and school finance sections, I definitely got click happy - just didnt have a clue & clicked on whatever looked good - whatever. blah